Black Hawk Down revisited, but with the Americans on the winning side.
On a thankfully lighter note:
More on the bones found in Iraq:
The Americans raided Baghdad last night, and now it seems the Iraqi military's come out onto the streets. Presumably they were just hiding.
Now, this is starting to get annoying. Every time I add a picture to the blog, the page goes too wide even for my 1024 width screen.
No word from the Creative Writing department.
A few bits nicked from Acts of Gord:
Also linked to from Shaw Island, Acts Of Gord. (Why can't I get links to work on Blogger?)
A site linked from Shaw Island.
Rageh Omar is still saying there isn't much of a visible military presence in Baghdad, just a few non-uniformed roadblocks.
Interesting - The Iraqi government have kicked one Al-Jazeera correspondent out of Baghdad and barred another from reporting. Al-Jazeera has since said that it would stop broadcasting live from Baghdad, and instead are only broadcasting pre-recorded stuff.
Okay, so one of our Greeks (it turns out they're both called George, thus saving me the embarrassment of only knowing one of their names but not knowing which of them it was) set fire to the grill.
I've just been to the Al-Jazeera website and seen the shattered skulls and stuff.
Peter Jackson's planning to remake King Kong, filming it in New Zealand.
The death toll so far, according to each government:
Tariq Aziz has denied that the Iraqi (or non-Iraqi) suicide bombers are not terrorists, despite what the coalition are saying.
I've just noticed that, whereas most of the other blogs I visit (I really must get around to updating that links list) seem to have ground to a virtual halt over the past week of holiday, mine seems to be getting more new entries than it has over the rest of its existence...
The doctor who first alerted the world to the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (an epidemic hitting various places around the world - 1500 infectees, 54 fatalities) has just died of the illness.
Or is it perhaps something to do with the phrase that I've heard no one using?
Could this be an artificially engineered virus? Certainly, the WHO is quoted as having said, "This virus is unlike any known human or animal member of the virus family." So, has a secret (and probably illegal) Chinese bio-weapon escaped a lab and infected locals, only to be carried around the world (including to the UK) by air travellers?
It's like we're living the preamble of a post-apocalyptic novel, albeit on a far smaller scale.
Well, so much for me spending this holiday catching up with all the friends I've lost touch with due to the various stresses of Terms 1 and 2.
The US Marines near Baghdad are rationed to one meal a day until supplies reach them from Kuwait. They've been put on hold for a week until the convoys reach them.
Another interesting titbit from William Gibson (thanks to Tom for the link):
Rumsfeld's in the shit, public-image-speaking.