...or some other bit that adds up to the appropriate proportion.
I've got deep reservations about the neutrality of the questions in this quiz. There's a definite bias.
What the fuck kind of question is "Do you support the war in Iraq?" if not an ideologically loaded one? There are multiple reasons to be for the war, and multiple reasons to be against it (whether they're true or not):
-Saddam's a threat to the United States's security.
-Saddam's a threat to US allies/interests in the Middle East.
-Saddam's in league with Al Qaeda.
-Saddam was responsible for 9/11.
-Saddam's an evil, murdering tyrant who's not fit to run a bath, let alone one of the most ancient countries on the planet.
-When Saddam eventually died, civil war would erupt as his sons fought over who succeeded him - the invasion, although bloody, saved more lives in the long term.
-The United States should finish the job it started twelve years earlier.
-Saddam plotted the assassination of George Bush Senior and should be brought to justice.
-Saddam gassed his own people at Halabja and should be brought to justice.
-Saddam Hussein is a Muslim and therefore it is our duty to bring freedom and Christianity to the Iraqi people.
-Saddam Hussein apparently has weapons of mass destruction, so he is incredibly dangerous to his neighbours. None of them are strong enough, or willing, to topple him, so it is down to the US and its allies.
-Saddam has WMDs. He hates us for driving him out of Kuwait. We have to get him before he gets us.
-Sanctions have killed over a million people in the past decade. The only alternative is to get rid of Saddam, which, in the long term, is far less bloody.
-Killing is wrong under any circumstances.
-Wars that aren't fought in self-defence are wrong.
-The principle of regime change sets a dangerous precedent.
-The United States shouldn't be poking its nose into foreign affairs, particularly militarily.
-The United States should be concentrating on tracking down Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, not getting sidetracked by tinpot dictatorships that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.
-My country has extensive business dealings with Saddam's regime, and regime change will cost us billions.
-A wartorn or conquered Iraq will become a breeding ground for terrorists and a rallying cry to extremist Islam.
-The Middle East peace process is at a difficult stage, and an American-led war in the region will do nothing but harm it.
-So what if Saddam has WMDs: none of them have the range to hit us, so why should we worry about it?
Exactly how many different ideological slants can be put on those opinions?
And gun control? Hitler brought in total gun control to prevent revolution. Britain did the same to safeguard the public from lunatics, criminals and terrorists. How does wanting stricter (or more lax) gun control, in and of itself, indicate which party you fit into?
Anyway, having bitched about the suspected statistical invalidity of amateurish online quizzes, I've done another:
 | You scored as Charity. Charity- with you is the love that lifts the spirits of the world.
Prudence | | 86% | Charity | | 86% | Temperance | | 79% | Hope | | 79% | Justice | | 75% | Fortitude | | 50% | Faith | | 32% |
The Seven Heavenly Virtues created with QuizFarm.com |
In other news:
I'm the Tabletop Rep-elect of LURPS.
The day after the election, I got a letter through from the Graduate Teacher Training Scheme, saying they'd passed my application onto St. Martin's. In other words, St. Martin's haven't closed the course yet. This means I may yet end up with an interview, and maybe even get onto the course. Since one of the questions asked of me at the hustings was, "Are you going to be doing teacher training next year?", to which I replied, "Almost certainly not," this throws an interesting spanner into the cooking pot. The odds are still well against me getting onto the course at this late stage, but I may have to juggle both positions. No way am I going to give up without even trying, should I get onto the course, but I also won't let LURPS suffer if my experience of teacher training is as draining as Mish's was. I think I have the advantage that
I will have a car if I get onto teacher training, thus making it far easier to commute around the place and make it to meetings on time, and so on. I also think I'm better at dealing with stress than Mish, no disrespect intended.
Anyhow, the odds are against me getting on the course.
Ah, yes, you'll never guess what else has happened...
Yep, that's right.
The fucking Job Centre are trying to screw me again. Last week, a letter saying I was only entitled to £20 a week, then one this week telling me to fuck off and die of starvation somewhere because I was earning too much to be on Jobseeker's Allowance.
All because they can't understand the concepts of 'casual work' and 'variable hours' and 'fucking incompetent civil servant fucktard'.
I'm going to go down there tomorrow and burn the place down.
Or go in and sort it all out.
One or the other.