Thursday, December 12, 2002

On a lighter note, I've got about half a dozen willing playtesters for Imperium. I'll be emailing the rules to them over the holiday. Anyone else reading this, who's a member of LURPS and is interested in playtesting a WFRP/Inquisitor crossover, email me.

Satan (I've got to stop calling him that) [CENSORED - See 25th December for details] D'oh!

Still, he didn't kill me, so presumably, like the vast majority of the world, he presumably hasn't seen what I wrote on Tuesday.

Still feeling guilty, now about having written some close to the bone stuff about Satan, but I'm still resisting the urge to self-censor. You write a weblog, you stick with what you've written. Anything else is just cowardice.

Quarter to five on a Thursday morning. Does this count as an all-nighter?

I've spent the last week writing my Ling 204 essay.

Actually, only the last 12 hours of it have been writing. The previous week has been made up of stressing about not writing it, and then getting distracted and doing something more interesting, like spending entire days writing Imperium, my Warhammer 40,000 RPG, or going to various theatrical productions/Christmas balls.

I've still got another piece of work to do tomorrow, in the narrow slot between my lectures and LURPS. Fortunately, I can't afford to buy alcohol any more, so I'll be sober enough to work on it after LURPS.

Why the fucking hell do I do this to myself every single fucking term???

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

This being the morning after, [CENSORED - See 25th December for details] the image just stuck in my head.

I'd just like to point out that Satan isn't all bad. (That's a line you don't hear every day.)

I could just edit the previous post, but that would be censorship. I said it, so it stays said.

Note, the following is being typed while sobering up from being drunk. Please excuse any irrational thought processes or bizarre lexical constructions

Feeling a bit bad about myself at the moment.

I nearly did something really morally dubious tonight, at the Theatre Group Christmas Ball.

Well, okay, I made a pact with the devil [CENSORED - See 25th December for details]

Thanks, guys. I appreciate it. I had a vested interest, I admit it. You guys didn't, so good on you.

Monday, December 09, 2002

An email reply from Games Workshop, about Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.

Thank you for your email about WFRP, and apologies for the late reply - I've
been off for almost a week with a nasty bout of the 'flu : (

Fanatic will not be picking up WFRP, as we deal with miniature based games
rather than rpgs. This said there are other GW divisions that are likely to
either try to find a new licencee for the game (our 'New Business
Developments team) or publish it themselves (Black Library Publications).
Unfortunately, at the present time I simply don't know for sure what will be
happening with the game. Sorry not to have have been more help.

Best regards,

Jervis Johnson
Head Fanatic