Friday, February 04, 2005

Life Sucks.

Or at least, my bank account does.

After my optimism at the start of last month, that I'd be able to clear my overdraft, and then the eventual realisation that I might just miss it, and now this:

I started January £212.09 overdrawn.
I ended the month £289.59 overdrawn.

So down £70+ then.

And then I paid council tax and had to buy a new PSU.

£522.01 overdrawn.

I managed to more than double my overdraft in the month I was supposed to be clearing it.

I still owe Mr Jez this month's rent as well. So that'll be £672.01 overdrawn.

I got £60 last night, to make up for Tom and Kate's share of the last council tax bill. So that's £611.01 o.d.

Hmm, let's do a quick sum:

*brain works*

If you ignore the money I took out for the electricity bill (£100), I got £200 out of ATMs in January. So that's £200 that's been spent on little things like bus tickets (~£22.40), food at LURPS (I really need to cut down there...), snack foods, little bits and pieces for the house...


I'm going to have to go back to doing full records of what I spend, just so that I know where I'm wasting cash.

Particularly now I'm unemployed(ish*). I've got an interview at the job centre this morning, so that'll hopefully get my JSA sorted out. This afternoon, I'll be seeing Dean about the monologue he wants me to perform at the Writers' Guild production, and if I've got time after that, I'll be trying to find a job.

And I'll also be paying off my credit card bill. Fuckity doodles.

*I actually have 15 hours at the TIC this month, so it's not all bad.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Well, I've either done something horribly wrong...

...or installing a new power supply unit into a PC is actually a piece of piss.

You know, even though this is meant to be a 'silent' PSU, I'm glad to hear the fan purring quietly away.

It means the damn thing's actually moving, unlike my old PSU, whose fan died at some indeterminate point in the past, hence the frequent overheating and crashing during high-resource games and prolonged periods of idleness, even when I removed the side panels to ease airflow.

And I'm pretty sure it's quieter than the near-buzzing of the old fan (and that's before I replace the side panels, too).


Just sent an email that might have been an incredibly stupid email to send.


I hate those late-night nagging thoughts.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Ivan Noble has died.

I mentioned his tumour diaries in an earlier post, but he died yesterday in a hospice.

His diary columns are being published in a book.

"If two or three people stop smoking as a result of anything I have ever written then the one of them who would have got cancer will live and all my scribblings will have been worthwhile."
The closing words of his final column

Sunday, January 30, 2005

*despairing cries*

I found this a few weeks ago, indirectly from the BBC News website.

Tis disturbing, tis wrong, tis pretty darn funny in a suspicious kind of way.

I showed the site to my secret stalker (in an attempt to frighten her away :-p ), and she retaliated with the rather more disturbing:

On a sidenote, the @ symbol can look like a representation of a breast in certain circumstances. Imagine the possibilities when combined with emoticons...