From BBC News Online:
US drills for terror attacks
The United States is embarking on a five-day simulation of attacks on two major cities by a terrorist group using radiological and biological devices.
The training exercise, which aims to prepare local, state and federal government agencies to deal with simultaneous terror attacks, is due to begin in Chicago and Seattle later on Monday.
About 8,500 people will take part in the operation, which will begin with a simulation of a radiological weapon, a "dirty bomb", being set off in Seattle.
At roughly the same time, there will be a simulated biological attack on Chicago, with thousands of patients showing symptoms of serious illnesses beginning to appear in the city's hospitals on Tuesday.
The BBC's Justin Webb says the people of both Seattle and Chicago have had plenty of warning of all this activity, with posters and news bulletins announcing the mock attacks for the last week so as to avoid panic.
The exercise is planned to end on a positive note, with suspects being arrested at the end of the week.
The mock attacks - which will also see the participation of the American Red Cross and the Canadian Government - will be co-ordinated by the new Department of Homeland Security in Washington DC.
Known as Topoff 2, the exercise is costing a total of $16m and being run according to a 200-page Hollywood-style script.
It is the first large-scale counter-terrorism exercise since the 11 September 2001 attacks on New York and Washington.
'Test and improve'
President George W Bush's Homeland Security Secretary, Tom Ridge, has described the five-day event as a full-scale exercise responding to plausible threats to the US.
Mr Ridge will spend the five days in the White House, keeping the president briefed.
"Protection against terrorism requires that organisations at every level of government and in the private sector work together in partnership to prepare for events and deal with their consequences," he said in a statement.
"Topoff 2 provides the opportunity to test our preparedness, and at the same time identify ways to improve response in the future."
Can I just say, 'Oh, for fuck's sake.'
What use is a massive drill on a nationwide scale, designed to prepare the country for the possibility of a sudden terrorist attack, if there are posters up all over the target cities?
I seem to recall New York was a little surprised on 9/11.
Has Al Qaeda changed its strategy - it boasts about biological and radiological attacks now? (Please note, ladies and gentlemen, Al Qaeda has never used either of these types of weapon, relying instead on fucking big explosions and shattered buildings, which look so much cooler on television than a couple of ambulances and fire engines.)
So two densely populated American cities will be attacked by weapons which have never been used before (if you ignore the rogue scientists who released that anthrax to see how nasty it was, allegedly - the evidence points more closely at them than at any Arabs), and the drill will proceed without any panic.
No, no no no. Fraid not. You irradiate one city and flood another with deadly viruses, you're going to have millions of refugees trying to get out. Declare martial law, US troops will be shooting and killing US citizens who try to break through the lines, people in other areas will be fleeing from (or be panickedly violent towards) refugees, and the unrest and bloodshed spreads.
Is this being simulated?
And at the end of the week, the suspects will be arrested. Wow, and that's scripted as well. Surely, for it to be a proper drill, DON'T FUCKING SCRIPT THE ARRESTS, YOU FUCKING MUPPETS!!!
Just taken a look at the
Top Officials 2 website, at the FAQ .pdf file:
QUESTION: How will ordinary citizens be affected by exercise play? Will
traffic be disrupted?
ANSWER: Day-to-day disruption will be minimal in each TOPOFF 2 venue. Extensive
planning efforts have been made to minimize the effect of simulated exercise play on the
general public. In Seattle, Chicago, and the surrounding counties, TOPOFF 2 events
will be focused into specific areas and should have little impact on the public at large.
No traffic jams? So ambulances, fire engines, police cars and NBC-sealed armoured personnel carriers will be able to just breeze along deserted highways in the middle of a national disaster, in a state of emergency?
Ah, and look, May 13th, the terrorist safehouse is going to be discovered. And then, on May 15th, 9pm, Illinois, there's going to be a raid on a clandestine biological weapons laboratory at 1700 West 39th Street, Chicago. The media are, of course, invited.
It's not a drill, it's a half-arsed, $16 million, propaganda film, just to remind the US public that yes, you're in deadly danger from evil darkies with beards, and yes, we are winning the WAR ON TERROR [dramatic music]. But don't worry, because we've scripted the arrest of the evil killers who hate our freedoms.
Hey, there's an election coming soon. Bush needs a happy ending...