Monday, March 31, 2003

Tariq Aziz has denied that the Iraqi (or non-Iraqi) suicide bombers are not terrorists, despite what the coalition are saying.

I hate to agree with the mass-murdering fucker, but he's got a point. Iraqi militias, suicide bombers and so on are the modern day equivalent of the French Resistance. It's not like the Resistance didn't go around murdering Frenchmen who collaborated with the Germans, and they used 'underhand' tactics to kill German soldiers.

And history remembers the Resistance, like most of the WWII partisans, as valiant heroes, defending their homeland against invaders.

Although the Iraqis might be more ready to kill innocent civilians than (most of) the Resistance, they are still freedom fighters, fighting against foreign invaders. They just happen to be ruled by a totalitarian Stalinist dictatorship, that's all.


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