Sunday, March 30, 2003

Well, so much for me spending this holiday catching up with all the friends I've lost touch with due to the various stresses of Terms 1 and 2.

Obviously, a fair number of people have gone home, but I've no real idea who's still around. Liz should be out there somewhere, I should give her a shout, invite myself over to hers to watch a video or something.

If you discount the woman behind the counter in Aldcliffe Stores ("Do you have any foil?" "Up there." "Ah, thanks."), I haven't spoken to a human being since Tuesday. That's pushing five days.

Made the mistake of reading old MSN conversations again today, while trying to work out when Emilie's birthday is (April 1st, I think - I could be wrong). It just reminded me how good things used to be.

(I don't think I've explained this on the blog, although I've definitely said it face-to-face to some people:

Each year of university can be characterised by a single emotion.

First year = misery
Second year = happiness
Third year = stress)

Dammit, I miss the second year.


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