Saturday, March 12, 2005

Saturday, Things To Do

I've worked three and a half days this week, and I'm knackered. (Yes, I know Tom and Kate have both been working full-time, but I've never had a truly full-time job, so I'm not acclimatised.)

It's now Saturday, and I've got all sorts of stuff to do that I didn't have time for during the second half of the week, when most of the work fell:

- Update accounts spreadsheet. Just finished doing this actually. Not bad going, since I only woke up an hour ago. Total recorded outgoings so far this month £186, total income £106.33. Not as bad as it sounds, since £150 of that spending was rent, most of which (if not all) should be reimbursed when my Housing Benefit clears. Speaking of which...

- Complete housing benefit bollocks. Basically, I've filled in the main form. I'm going to do as much as I can of the landlord's declaration and take it around to Mr Jez this afternoon for him to sign. It'll save him the hassle of evil form-filling, I suppose.

- Confirm attendance of job interview. I have a job interview! Word processor operator at Social Services in White Cross. If I get it, it means I'll be working in the same building as Evil Bilbo and Stacy, one of my flatmates from the second year. The job seems pretty much what I was doing on the administrative side at the police station. It's not a graduate job, but I'm not too bothered about that at the moment.

- Fill in a job application for a clerical job in Estates at the University. Yes, I get to join the most evil branch of the University.

- Book an optician's appointment and price-check new glasses. My mum grabbed me on MSN and I reminded her that I needed new glasses, and that she'd offered to put some money towards them. She said up to £150 support. So that's cool.

- Write Godlike play summaries, and maybe Cthulhu: Dark Ages.

- Write a review for Unknown Armies, to send off to I was weak and bought a copy from IMT on Wednesday. The geek-gasm of owning a copy placed the mental imperative within my head: get more people playing this near-perfect RPG. So I decided to write a review of it. I'm planning on doing the same with Godwalker and WFRP 2.


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