Feeling a little bit used, to be honest...
At the start of this academic year, we had a superb influx of new members to the Guild. Several of these are already on the Exec. The society's in great shape, better than it ever has been before.
It's not all good, though. There was a member, at the start of the year, who was... irritating. I missed or was late to most of the meetings that he went to, for various reasons, so I never really built up an opinion of him in the personal sense.
Online though, this is the guy who rewrote another member's poem (an intensely personal piece about how she self-harmed) into a meaningless pop song and posted it as a reply to the original post on the web-board.
Apparently, after SamBC (and others, if I recall) called him on rewriting someone else's work without permission, he went off in a huff, referring to the Guild as a clique of 'pretentious wankers' and saying he wanted nothing more to do with us.
(The full, and more reliable, version of events can be found on the Writers' Guild web-board, by reading the posts through October-November, although you have to be a member to get to them.)
Anyhow, he's now submitted work to the anthology, which has been accepted (a bit of an odd thing to do, but fair enough - he's still technically a society member, and people have come back after leaving the Guild under a cloud before now).
However, a number of members have expressed strong objections to him using the Lancaster University Writers' Guild name in order to publish his work (one of the anthology's purposes is to act as a portfolio of work, with contact details and so on), particularly since he allegedly defamed the Guild during his departure.
To this end, they've called an Emergency General Meeting next week to discuss kicking him out of the Guild. They say there's a way of doing it using the constitution. Certainly, he's upset a significant proportion of the society, and he was behaving poorly on the web-boards, but we'll see what happens when they give their evidence on the issue next week.
To be honest, I don't know where to stand on all this. He is still a member, officially, because he didn't go through all the hassle with LUSU to get his money back or anything (although, to be honest, in a cheap-to-join society like the Guild, who's going to do that?). There's nothing to say that every piece of work submitted to the anthology gets published, but then it's also true that it shouldn't be down to the Exec (or whoever ends up editing it) to kick something out because of differences with whoever wrote it.
However, there's a complicating factor that no one within the Guild was aware of before last night.
I know that this member's piece of work is, although not great, certainly of a satisfactory level, so it probably shouldn't be left out of the anthology on that score.
I believe this because I read this guy's work, after he emailed it to me. I even proofread it and offered extensive comments.
Unfortunately, when I did this, the author was a woman named Edna Brosse, a new Guild member who really liked a particular piece of work I'd submitted (a piece of colour text I wrote for Smog & Mirrors), but didn't feel confident enough to post this piece of prose to the board or bring it along to a meeting.
I assumed Edna Brosse to be a German name.
Rather than it being an anagram of Dean Sobers, our current president, as was pointed out to me last night. (Just to clarify: Dean is not the person being talked about here.)
I hadn't even suspected that "Edna Brosse" was a fraud until the anagram was pointed out to me last night. The members who have called the EGM already knew that "Edna Brosse" was actually the departed member.
I gave my time and effort to reading and responding to what was effectively fan mail of a sort, Admittedly, it was over a month before I got around to replying.
And I never even got a thank you as a reply either.
So that's why I feel used.
Apparently, the member had exec permission to come back with a different username (which I think is fair enough - it's not like he was banned or anything). If "Edna Brosse" had confined herself to the web-boards, fair enough. I wouldn't have even minded if "Edna" had admitted that she was actually a guy I have actually met and discussed work with before.
But "she" basically misled me. She signed her name as "Edna Brosse", not his real name.
So I'll be taking print-outs of the emails to the EGM with me, and presenting them to the Guild. I was thinking of just summarising the content of his emails, because they're private correspondence, but now I'm tempted to just read them out because a) they were pretty short and the incriminating material pretty much fills them, and b) the author doesn't actually exist.
*fuming and feeling betrayed*
(I suppose I could just remove the option to comment on this one, but I'll just ask that this post doesn't start a big discussion on stuff that'll just be repeated in the EGM next week. This post's just intended as a spleen-release for me.)
(I use a lot of parentheses, don't I?)
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