This one's been doing the rounds. The first time I found it was on Laura's site, Shadow Grove, but then Helena put it on hers, and then Kate posted it as well. This is my version, but where there's been an overlap with Kate's, I've left it as is.
/--Seven things I love:
+ Writing
+ Sex
+ Roleplaying
+ Good, intelligent science fiction
+ Friends
+ That warm feeling of being cuddly with someone
+ Chocolate
/--Seven things I hate: (Pretty much the same as Kate, but I'll swap 'period pains' for something else.)
+ Dharmesh Mistry. He's a cunt, scuse the French. He's one of those people who should have been drowned at birth.
+ Being ill
+ Being late
+ Unnecessary Stress
+ Being let down
+ Letting people down
+ Arguments
/--Seven things in my room
+ Computer, aka my best friend
+ A bed, handy for sleeping in
+ A sink, handy when you can't quite be bothered going all the way to the toilet (just kidding!)
+ Several cases of wargaming miniatures at the bottom of my wardrobe
+ Realm of Chaos: The Lost And The Damned, looking nice and thick and hardback and god-damn-collectors-itemish on my bookshelf. Oh yeah, I'm that cool.
+ A mint condition, hardback copy of Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader. Another thing that makes me incredibly cool, or maybe a total Games Workshop fanboy. One or the other.
+ A chrome lava lamp with silver wax inside. Very soothing while feeling stressed.
/--Seven Random Facts(TM) about me
+ Some people think I'm allergic to peanuts because I always say, 'Does it have nuts in?'. I just don't like them.
+ I want to be a published author who doesn't have to have a real job
+ Even if I don't need a job, I want to work as a games developer for Games Workshop, or maybe just write roleplaying stuff.
+ When I offer someone a shoulder to lean/cry on, I mean it, and don't have ulterior motives. (Or if I do, it's subconscious, and the primary conscious concern is about the person in question's feelings)
+ I'm far better at articulating an argument on the internet than I am verbally.
+ I'm one of the shyest people you'll ever meet, and have the self-confidence of a terrified squirrel.
+ I'm partially deaf, particularly in the right ear. This is why I always hold my phone in my left hand.
/--Seven things I can do
+ Complete most computer games within a week of buying them.
+ Drive
+ Paint models to a reasonable standard
+ Leave more comments on other people's blogs than on my own
+ Concede a point in an argument and change my mind if presented with a convincing argument. Some people think this makes me weak-minded. I think that makes them stubborn and stupid.
+ Forgive (in most cases - see things I hate, above)
+ Sail calmly through all but the most devastating crisis without betraying any stress whatsoever (but see things I can't do, below)
/--Seven things I can't do
+ Muster up enough stress to force me to get off my arse and do something about a crisis, rather than just sit back and think, I'll do it later...
+ Juggle
+ Sing
+ Dance
+ Seduce someone (at least, not when I'm trying).
+ Hold out on forgiving someone. If I have a bustup with a friend, I always end up apologising first, even if I did nothing wrong, simply to get rid of the horrid sick feeling I get when I think I've just destroyed a friendship.
+ Finish something I'm writing. Everything's work in progress.
/--Seven things that scare me: (I'll leave this as Kate wrote it)
+ Spiders
+ People I love dying
+ Arguments
+ Violent people
+ my own lack of self esteem
+ other people laughing at me
+ the thought of losing my friends
/--Seven things that attract me to the opposite sex
+ Nice warm eyes, pools you can bathe in, that sort of thing.
+ Intelligence
+ Nice breasts. We're not talking any particular size or anything, just nice for how they are.
+ Sensitivity
+ Huggableness
+ Not insanely argumentative
+ Not immature - no sulks, tantrums, backstabbing, sleeping with a friend to get at you...
/--Top Seven Films
+ Excalibur
+ The Last Of The Mohicans (Daniel Day Lewis version)
+ Saving Private Ryan
+ Fatherland
+ The Fellowship Of The Ring
+ The Two Towers (despite the skateboarding elf)
+ Blade Runner
/--Seven things I plan to do before I die
+ Get my work published
+ Become well known within the roleplaying and/or wargaming communities
+ Roleplay, a lot.
+ Have sex, a lot.
+ Create my own mythos/fantasy series (I'll keep this one from Kate's list)
+ Have kids, just so I can be a cool parent. But not for a while yet, ladies, don't panic.
+ Change the world for the better. Maybe this will require entering politics, but I'd be crap at that.
/--Seven things I say a lot
+ My god, I'm stressed
+ What?
+ Mm (or some other non-verbal, non-committal sound).
+ My god, I hate being single
+ Bugger
+ Thanks
+ Sorry
Tonight is election night at LURPS. Laura is about to become President. Congratulations, Laura.
I've come up with a plan on how to deal with Heinz Schiller the human-sausagemaker, Ernst Gottlieb the mutant crimelord and Geddy Ironhead, the deranged dwarf trollslayer. And I'm not going to tell anyone about it until it happens. I just hope none of them have plans that clash.
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