Hmm, having spent over £100 on eBay over the last few weeks, I've decided to start earning some of it back.
My first attempt at selling something over eBay is a book I bought on a whim last term, This Is The SAS, an old pictorial book about the regiment, from 1941 to 1982. Not bad, but it's not particularly something I want to keep forever. When I go home at Easter, I'm going to try and sell a lot of my other old books.
If anyone bids on this thing, I'm guaranteed to make at least a tiny profit - I paid £1.00 for it in a second-hand shop, and the starting bid's £3.00.
I could also do with cancelling my TV licence. I reckon I'm paying about 50p-£1.00 per hour I actually spend watching TV.
Hmm, just taken a look at my TV licence. Apparently it expired in October. I should have another one somewhere, that means. I'm sure they've still been taking Direct Debit payments for it.
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