Monday, February 24, 2003

And after posting the auction, I discovered three other copies of the same book, none of which have had any bids made for them.

Bugger bugger bollocks.

I need to get home and find something else, more valuable, that I can sell. I've not got anything here.

Maybe some of the videos that I've later bought on DVD. (And then I can put the proceeds towards buying myself a new DVD player - or why bother? There's various DVD-playing games consoles in my house next year.)

Since making the last post, I've just spent another £20+ on about fifty rifle-style weapons for Necromunda and a regiment of 20 Ungor beastmen for my Warhammer 40k Daemon World army. Fortunately, my cheque book's run out, so I can't pay for them until my new cheque book arrives, by which time hopefully my parents will have given me some cash.

Dammit, I'm an eBay addict...


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