Monday, June 13, 2005


...switching on the television to watch the news. You watch as your 16-year-old son is murdered on camera.

It happened to a Bosnian woman the other week.

Kind of puts a new perspective on the world, doesn't it?

Serbian TV broadcast a video filmed during the Srebrenica massacre (ten years ago next month), to convince Serbs that Srebrenica did actually happen. The following day, only one newspaper mentioned the footage on its front page, but the entire nation went into shock.

The week before the broadcast, a survey found that 50% of Serbs did not believe Srebrenica happened (8000 Muslim men and boys murdered, the worst European atrocity since World War II). Two thirds said that they believed Radovan Karadzic and General Ratko Mladic, the Bosnian Serb political and military leaders at the time, and the Hague's most wanted, to be heroes, rather than war criminals.

Carla del Ponte, the UN chief prosecutor, says that there are more videos to come, but they'll only be released to the public after they've been presented in court (chiefly, at the trial of Slobodan Milozevic).


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