Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Oh, sod it.

Might as well stop denying it.

Due to my utter lack of motivation, compounded by an initial lack of any ideas about what to do for it, my dissertation is, as of now, officially fucked.

Well, I've still got an essay and two exams to concentrate on. I'll be getting a 2:2, provided I can at least get a bad dissertation handed in. It could be worse.

Sometimes I think it would be so much simpler to drop out, but having resat a year at sixth form so that I could get into Lancaster, I don't think I could live with myself for giving up like that.

And besides, it would mean I'd have wasted nearly three years and thousands of pounds (not just of my own and my parents' money, but the extra thousands that the government pays towards each individual student's university education).

How exactly do I go about resitting a year?

I'm doing three very interesting modules this year. I wouldn't mind going right back to the start and doing them all over again.

I might look into doing that, actually.


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