Monday, April 21, 2003

Slee's linked to me from his blog, The Lattice, which is nice. Except that he appears to have labelled the link as: 'Richard - the Archangel'.

Now, that's inaccurate, I'm not the Archangel, I'm Archangel, pure and simple. I have never laid any claim onto a senior rank within the Celestial Hosts of our Lord. I am merely 'Archangel'.

If I recall, the name comes from two sources, not just the one. My novel, which features angels as good guys, bad guys and all shades of grey in between - often all in the same angel, at the same time.

And then there's Gabrielle.

Gabrielle Archangelsk, to be exact.

She was a pseudonym for filling in suspicious mailing lists online. I think I even had a Hotmail account set up in her name.

Hmm, I'll have to play her in a roleplaying campaign sometime. Maybe if I end up in Tom's Space: 1889 game, I could be a female Russian aristo adventuress or something.


Of course, when one looks more closely at Slee's links list, one sees the line below. I demonstrate here:

Richard - the Archangel
of Ponce

Craig Slee, my good friend, might be a fantastic, intelligent, intellectual kind of guy...

...but sometimes he's just a git.



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