I've lost the most important floppy disk I have ever owned.
The disk that could make my fortune has vanished without trace.
It contains the only remaining copies (since my hard drive had to be wiped) of Imperium (an RPG set in the 40k universe), Donations to the Church of Blood (the WFRP adventure I was writing), and the entire proposal and rough notes for Nuln: At The Crossroads (the sourcebook I was talking about the other day).
I'm hoping like hell it's in my room somewhere (although I've looked several times), because otherwise I left it in the Linguistics Department lab, where it isn't any more. Maybe I should try the Bowland College porters' lodge, see if anyone handed it in.
It's possible my dad took it home with him in the computer he lent me to stand in for my own while it was being rebuilt (hence the mindwiping). I'll have to text him about it.
And about getting some money off him. I've got two plays to see next week and I've only got thirty quid to last me the rest of term.
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