Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Michael Moore made an interesting Oscar acceptance speech.

He started off nicely, with a comment about the Oscars being about a fictitious world, and then leapt into a tirade about a fictitious president taking America into a war for fictitious reasons, whether it was 'the fiction of duct tapes, or the fiction of orange alert'.

A mixture of boos and cheers from the floor, and the Oscars people tried drowning him out by playing music in the background.

The guy who won Best Actor, for The Pianist, made a less controversial speech, yet still went on about peace, and managed to ask the orchestra to stop playing so that he could say his piece. Of course, he had Best Actor, while Moore only had Best Documentary.

Still, it's disgraceful that the Academy deliberately cut acceptance speeches down to 45 seconds, to prevent anyone from making speeches, and then tried to drown out the anti-government voice when he spoke up.

The current climate in the United States is pretty fucking sinister for 'the world's greatest democracy'.


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